Smoke Tubes For Grilling

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amaz'n tube smokerBefore the smoke tube got available most people used a smoker box. The bad part was that those used up a lot of space in your smoker. the tubes take up less space and because of their shape burn very long.
At first, when I started to look at pellet tube smokers to review I found that there are a lot of people who use them on their pellet smokers.

There are also many people who use them on their regular smokers and use only charcoal for the temperature and a tube smoker for getting the smoke flavor.

Another type of user uses them for cold smoking and that is getting pretty popular, so we have to write about that in another post.

Since the Amazen pellet tube smoker is very popular we will start by reviewing them first.

Click here for the review

If you are more interested in using wood chips for smoking you can read my post on that by clicking on that link to read our in-depth post about using wood chips for smoking.

Robert Chill

Robert Chill loves to cook on BBQs and grills and uses all types of recipes and techniques to cook some awesome food. With his experience, he can share many reviews, tips, and ideas on how to use any grill. You can read more about himĀ here

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