How To Use A Weber Chimney Starter – The Easy Way!

It is pretty easy how to use the Weber chimney charcoal starter, but there are people who are not familiar with it.

Reason enough for me to write about how to use the Weber chimney starter the way I have been doing it for many years.

What Do You Need

There are just a few things you need to get your charcoal started with the Chimney starter.

  • Weber Charcoal Chimney
  • Some newspaper
  • A lighter

Steps To Take.

There is a roster down in the chimney starter. You put charcoal at the top and newspaper at the bottom.

  • Fill the chimney with charcoal
  • Crumble the newspaper at the bottom
  • Light the newspaper
  • Wait till the charcoal is ready

That is all you have to do to get your charcoal ready to use on your grill.

This is my personal setup to get started

Then I crumble up the newspaper

weber chimney starter setup

This is the Weber Chimney in action and getting my charcoal ready in about 10 minutes.

weber chimney starter in action

After a few minutes my charcoal is almost ready

charcoal done in a weber chimney starter

This is basically the whole process to get your charcoal started with the Weber charcoal chimney.

It also works on other chimneys of course but in my experience, the Weber is the best charcoal starter.

The reason I claim this is that I have used other brands but they did not last too long, and my Weber chimney lasts me now for many years although it always sits outside.

I don’t know if you have noticed my Weber char basket fuel holder on the right side of the pictures, but I use them a lot.

The reason I use them is that I like to set my grill up for 2 zone cooking as I describe in this article.

By using this method you have a hot and cooler section on your grill and this will give you a lot more options to grill than just directly under your meat.

By using this method you can also shut the hood of your grill and use your air vents to control the temperature for low and slow cooking.

I hope this small explanation on how to use the Weber Chimney starter shows how easy it is to use it and how fast your charcoal will be ready to use.

Where To Buy A Weber Chimney Starter

There are several places to buy a Weber chimney starter. From local hardware stores to online. Here are a few online buying options.

Find The Best Prices for Weber Chimney Starter

If you are not sure if you like to use a Weber chimney starter you can have a look at the top 5 electric Firestarter’s I reviewed.

If you prefer to see even more you can read my how to start a charcoal grill article to find more methods.

Robert Chill

Robert Chill loves to cook on BBQs and grills and uses all types of recipes and techniques to cook some awesome food. With his experience, he can share many reviews, tips, and ideas on how to use any grill. You can read more about himĀ here

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